My name is KenD.
I was sent from an ELITE task force from "above" to transform ALL humanity!
Now please go make Bill and Me FAMOUS fast! There is no time left!!!
Welcome to my new world order and to my new 3rd daughter "Tifilah"
War Fought In Peace Already Began - the fucking shit has hit the fan!!!
It is all because I was sent here and born on "5-16" and in reverse it's "615"!
Don't blame me for what is now going to occur - Blame Ezra and verse 6-15!
THE BOTTOM LINE: I am the Real Original Only Authentic Messiah and I now have Officially Arrived (King-Davis.com & MessiahDavis.com)! Follow me and you will irrefutably see whateverUdesire can be a true reality for you. I already suffered thru what you no longer have to go thru to be able to see what can irrefutably be. I did the work for you, and my public record verifiable track history biblical proportion life story "movie" undeniably proves all I did just say was meant for your 2 ears to hear loud a crystal fucking clear. You must hear as clear as a clear blue sky and that's no lie. I beg you, please live and don't die. Listen to me and you will see whateverUdesire your life to be will manifest for you and become true…just like it did for me…but it took over 51 years for it to finally come to be for me, but it will not be that way for you as long as you believe that all I do say and all that I do is true, and that I sincerely say it and do it only to help all of you get thru what you have no fucking clue you have no choice but to go and do. whateverUdesire to do is totally up to you. At least God allowed me to give you a choice. Be happy God sent me once again to do a 2nd time what I had to do the 1st time. This is a final warning to all of humanity. I really don't give a fuck who will live or who will die! That decision is for God to decide and certainly never has been, and never will be, for me to decide! All of you must not try, as to try is to die. All of you must do - like NIKE says "Just do it" - as NIKE was created by God as the secret code acronym for "Nobody Is Ken's Equal". Welcome to my movie sequel!
Posted by: The Real Original Only Authentic Messiah - Kenneth Ian Davis
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